Talent Headshots 

As an actor or talent, your headshot is your calling card and the key to getting noticed in the industry. That's why at our company, we specialize in creating headshots that are not only visually striking, but also engaging and relatable, helping you to stand out and showcase your unique personality and talent. Our team is dedicated to coaching you through the shooting process and directing you to reveal your marketability and authenticity. With our signature lighting, attention to detail, and natural editing, we are confident that your new headshots will help you make a powerful impact and get noticed by casting directors and industry professionals. Whether you're a seasoned performer or just starting out, we take the time to work with you to achieve the perfect outcome, reviewing images as we shoot to ensure a flawless final result.

Scene One


In Studio

1 Retouched Image

All Proofs from Session

Same Day Delivery

Full Print Rights

Up to 2 Backgrounds

2 Outfit Changes

In-Person or Phone Consultation

Scene Two


In Studio / On Location

4 Retouched Images

All Proofs from Session

Same Day Delivery

Full Print Rights

Up to 3 Backgrounds

4 Outfit Changes

In-Person or Phone Consultation

Scene Three


In Studio / On Location

6 Retouched Images

All Proofs from Session

Same Day Delivery

Full Print Rights

Up to 4 Backgrounds

Unlimtied Outfit Changes

In-Person or Phone Consultation

Additional standard retouched images are $85 per image. Looks are solid color backgrounds or locations.